Monday, December 15, 2008


These Wall Street Pirates who have destroyed the American economy have to be held accountable for there illegal actions. The CEO's who headed these large Wall Street Firms should be arrested and indicted for there crimes against America. The average American is suffering because, of the lack competence and leadership by these CEO's who only care about how much money they can make in there quarterly reports to Wall Street. This failure of leadership has had a ripple affect and cost millions of jobs in almost every sector of the American economy. President-Elect Obama should give his Attorney General Eric Holder the responsibility of prosecuting these CEO's for there economic crimes. The head of Merrill Lynch Stanley O' Neil walked away with 150 million dollars and nobody is holding him responsible for destroying one of Americas greatest Wall Street Firms. The big problem I have is that we are bailing out these large Wall Street Firms and the leadership who destroyed these large firms are still in charge. The American people are tired of our government giving there money away to the so-called best and the brightest so, they can keep on making the same business mistakes that has put us on the brink of a depression. The only people who seem to be hurting is the middle and lower level employees at these large firms who are losing there jobs at a record pace because of the lack of leadership from these corporate executives. Therefore, when these companies take a piece of the government bailout package their should be a requirement that you cannot layoff thousands of employees. Finally, I know that there are people out there who say there is no law on the books against a firm for being incompetent but, there is a law against hiding the real value of the corporations stock and the value on the stock market.

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