Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The Obama Administration will be presenting a Trillion Dollar Stimulus package right before he is inaugurated President Of The United States. This package will cover re-building the nations infrastructure and so-called job training programs. I know that President-Elect Obama is trying to solve a difficult problem with the economy but, to throw a Trillion Government Dollars at the American economy so, that Wall Street can be happy that is a tremendous mistake. President-Elect Obama has to understand that money does not grow on trees and that there has to be some type of fiscal responsibility when it comes to running a government. This Stimulus package does not include his first federal budget which more than likely will be over Three Trillion Dollars. This means in the first year of his Presidency he, will have spent Four Trillion Dollars of our children's money and we will probably have to bailout even more banks and firms. If you don't think that we are spending money like Germany in the 1920's you are highly mistaken. This could sink the nation into a deeper depression if this Stimulus Plan does not work, because of the lack of fiscal responsibility by Bush and Obama. The Obama Administration has to present a program to pay down our Nations Debt and Federal deficit. This nations debt when you add up all of our bills we owe about 50 Trillion Dollars in world Debt. The nations deficit is about 400 billion dollars and that could be managed if the economy turns around in the next two years. The Obama Administration should use the stimulus package on certain areas of the economy that will help the average American get jobs. Finally, we have to spend the taxpayers dollars wisely or we will eventually, run out of money and create a massive depression. Our federal government cannot keep throwing money at failed corporations and failed government policies. The Welfare State has to end or our nation will end up like a Third World Country.

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