Sunday, December 14, 2008


I cannot believe that Gov. Patterson may appoint Caroline Kennedy as our next Senator of New York filling the vacancy of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. This would be a slap in the face to all the New Yorkers who deserve a hard working Senator who knows the issues and the problems that face New York State. Caroline Kennedy could not find Buffalo, Rochester or Syracuse on map if you gave her a GPS system. I am tired of these so, called "Royal American Families" like the Bush, Clinton and Kennedy who stay in government instead of going into some other line of work. I agree with Rep. Ackerman of New York who said that they are going to give her a Senate seat because, she has a famous family name. Rep. Ackerman also, said you should consider Jennifer Lopez for the position if you want someone to hold this Senate Seat who happens to have a famous family name. I really don't care that she supported President-Elect Obama when he was running for President Of The United States. My problem with Caroline Kennedy is that she is not qualified for the position as Senator. Therefore, let her become a United Nations Ambassador for the poor but, not Senator of New York. This is the type of elitism I have been talking about since, January and it seems like it will never change in this country until we, have another revolution and toss these bums out of Washington. This Senate seat should go to a average hard working American who cares about New York State and this country. Finally, we have to give the Government back to the "Average American" who will use a common sense approach when making decisions that will affect our State and our country. The decisions made by government has destroyed the Middle Class and are our whole economic system.

1 comment:

  1. Throw the bums out of Washington? The decision is made by the Governor of New York? Since when has the Governor of New York lived in Washington, D.C.?
