Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Gov. BLOGO appointed Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate corruption in the Illinois Gaming Industry. Eric Holder received 300,000 in legal services. The corruption probe found no wrongdoing. Hey, Eric Holder forgot to mention this in his Attorney General questionnaire. Eric Holder was given a opportunity to sort out a mess when it came to a dormant casino license in Illinois. Gov. Blogo and Eric Holder appeared together in a news conference to announce his role as special Investigator to the Illinois Board Of Gaming. Eric Holder omitted this in his 47 page questionnaire that he worked for the Governor and the Obama transition team said that the future Attorney General would correct his mistake before appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Eric Holder singed the questionnaire five days after the arrest of Gov. Blogo. The Congress asked for all transcripts, recordings, news conferences and speeches or talks delivered by Eric Holder and all interviews given to newspapers, magazines and any other publications. The News Conference that Gov. Blogo and Eric Holder held was widely covered because of the 4 to 1 gaming board vote that the casino would be built in Rosemont, Illinois. The board defied the recommendations by the board staff which raised concerns about organized crime links to the Rosemont, Illinois Developer. Finally, this shows that our future Attorney General is not no good a remember details about working for a man four years ago who just got indicted. I question if Eric Holder is the right man to be the next Attorney General.

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