Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The City Of San Fransisco is truly out of control when a gang of thugs rioted through the mall trashing a scaring local mall shoppers to death during a protest for the young man killed in Greece. The terrorist thugs were throwing trash cans, food and store clothing while, trying to make a statement that they have no respect for any kind of authority. The reason why they were rioting is because, they wanted to show solidarity with the Greek uprising that has been going on for two weeks in Greece. The shoppers felt like it was pure anarchy because, these thugs were running up and down the escalators scaring shoppers and there children. This all started early in the day when they has a protest in the Mission District Of San Fransisco about "Solidarity With The Greek Uprising". The socialist left called a International Day for protest for the young man who was killed by the police in Greece in early December. These clowns were running around with black masks like they were members of Al-Qaedea and that made a lot of citizens of San Fransisco extremely angry. A half-dozen thugs were arrested for vandalism but, don't expect anything to happen to them because remember they live in San Fransisco. Finally, I wished that this happened in one of our local malls we would start "Kicking Some Ass" because, we would have thought that they were Islamic terrorist and we would have shown these thugs no mercy.

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