Friday, September 18, 2009

Race Hustlers And Political Pimps

I knew as a African-American Conservative as soon as Barack Obama was elected President Of The United States that anytime he ran into political trouble with his domestic or foreign policies and it was not accepted widely by the majority of the American voting population that they would be called "Racist". This is "Standard Operational Procedure" by most African-American politicians when they are in social or political bind. The liberal state run media refuses to report that President Obama did not write the 787 billion dollar Stimulus Bill. The Apollo Alliance wrote the bill that so, many Americans believe is a waste of taxpayers dollars. The President passed Cap-And-Trade legislation that will basically, destroy the manufacturing and industrial sector of the American economy. This means that millions of Americans will lose jobs trying to satisfy the Environmental left in America. The President version of Health Care Reform is a complete debacle and the American people see this legislation as a turn to Socialized Health Care in America. Therefore, white liberals like Maureen Dowd, President Carter and Chris Matthews are stoking the fire for African-Americans to hate Conservatives and Republicans because they have a honest disagreement with President Obama failed policies. The last two years any criticism of President Obama by his opponents have been declared racism without any real response by the Clinton Campaign or Republicans. The Obama Administration and the state run media are use to making these false accusations of racism to protect the "Messiah" when he is in some serious trouble. The racism accusation is used to marginalize Republicans and Conservatives so, they are not taken seriously by the majority of the American population. This is a tactic used by liberals to put fear in Conservative dissent because, they know that the Average American does not want to be called a racist by there fellow Americans. Finally, I am telling Conservatives all across America keep the pressure on President Obama and Democrats because when they call you a racists they are waving the white flag of surrender when it comes to Obamacare. This tactic is only used when they can't win the battle of ideas with the majority of the American people. President Obama, Democrats and State-Run Media are nothing more than a bunch of "Race Hustlers And Political Pimps".

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama Kills Eastern Eurpoe Missile Defense

The Obama administration intends to to cancel the missile defense system sites that had been promised these governments by the previous administration. This a complete Sellout to Russia's Evil and wicked leader Vladamir Putin who had demanded that the defense system deployment be halted as a price for improved relations. The Obama administration is appeasing a tyrant like Putin in hopes that Russia will help put pressure on Iran, had made a huge concession just a few days after Russia declared that they had no intention of supporting sanctions against Iran. The represent a a complete and utter appeasement totalitarian government. The hope is to improve relation with Putin, yet he has no desire to improve relations with the U.S. This just shows more of IBM's weakness and intention not to stand up and protect allies when needed across the world. Furthermore, Obama has just told our allies in Eastern Europe To Kiss Hiss Ass. The same allies that the word "Solidarity" is synonymous with as we stood by there side during the Cold War and supported after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The same allies who have tried to stand up to the Russians at great expense knowing that the United states would be them up. Instead, we are going to throw them under the bus and basically tell them that we value a supposed relationship with Russia more then freedom and democracy. Finally, if I were Israel I would be scared, Obama has not no intention of helping your country stand up to Iran. Obama wants to be Neville Chamberlain the sequel. at this point in history I will take Jimmy Carter. The Obama administration, is destroying alliances and appeasing thugs and dictators in 2009.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rep. Wilson Admonished, America Your Next

The United States Congress under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to admonish Rep. Wilson with a party line vote 240-179 for calling President Obama a liar during his is a Joint Session Of Congress speech to the nation on Health Care. We all know that right after the speech Rep. Wilson called the White House to apologize for his outburst. the apology was accepted by the President but it was not enough for the Left Wing Socialist and "Race Hustlers" when feel as though they can score some political points by embarrassing Rep. Wilson and Republican Party. The Democrats are not really interested in quieting the own members in Congress from speaking out against the President they are trying to quiet the average American from speaking out against President Obama socialist policies. The President, Democrats and Liberal Media are using Rep. Wilson as a example to all Americans if you speak out against the "Messiah" you will be called a Racist and Liberal Media will attack as if you were a common criminal trying to steal a car. This same Democratic led Congress who had no problem with the rules of etiquette when President Bush was in office. Finally, the are no rules in Congress for Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid, Rep. Rangel and countless other Democrats who have made derogatory statements about Republicans and Conservatives.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Narrcissist And Chief

The Narcissist and Chief President Obama was on 60 minutes last night trying to sell his socialist health care plan to the American people. The Narcissist and Chief seems to to on every channel including ESPN, Nickelodeon, SYFY, QVC, HSN and Food Channel. President Obama is acting like some third world dictator who must be on television every hour of the day. It seems like President Obama is using the same tactic as Hugo Chavez who is on television in Venezuela every day of the week sometimes eight hours in one day trying to implement his socialist policies. President Obama loves the camera and he thinks by being on television everyday he can convince the average American that Obamacare is the best way to solve the so-called Health Care Crisis in America. The President knows that he, will be helped by his state-run media who will help assist him in selling his socialist policies to the American people. If you notice President Obama is often interviewed by the same people that he, knows will not ask him tough questions on domestic or foreign policy. The cast of characters include Brian Williams, Steve Kroft, Matt Lauer, Danie Sawyer, Charlie Gibson, CNN and MSNBC. The President can almost do anything he wants when it comes to domestic policy because the liberal media state-run media is in his corner. The liberal media will not expose anything that will hurt there "Dear Leader" Presidency including the embarrassing information that caused Van Jones to resign or the Crimes committed by President Obama favorite community organization ACORN. Finally, the state-run ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC has to be exposed and embarrass by having the next protest outside there main offices so, they can cover they American outrage over the deficit, bailout and health care. The state-run media will cover a liberal protest against the Iraq war with ten people protesting when President Bush was in office to embarrass his administration and change public support for the war. The only reason the Narcissist And Chief and Obamacare is still alive is because the state-run media is attacking anyone who is against health care. The state-run media is even calling Americans "Teabaggers" who are against The Narcissist And Chief domestic policy. This is the first of many battles before we can eventually win the war when Obama is defeated in the 2012 Presidential election.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama State Run Media Downplays 2,000,0000 March On Washington

The Obama State Run Media has already started downplaying the March on Washington by saying that thousand gathered for this protest against the federal government. The New York Times Headline "Thousands protest Rally in Capitol to Protest Big Government'. The Britain Daily Mail estimated that 2 million Americans showed up for the Tea Party Protest. Up to 2 million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare Makes Me Sick" as they protested the President Health Care Plan and what they say is out of control spending. The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania for, blocks all the way to the capitol, according to to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. By The Contrast: The demonstrators numbered in the Ten Of Thousands, though the police declined to estimate the size of the crowd. Finally, the same Obama State Run Liberal Media estimated a million protesters during the infamous "Million Man March" which President Obama attended while, living in Chicago.