Monday, September 14, 2009

Narrcissist And Chief

The Narcissist and Chief President Obama was on 60 minutes last night trying to sell his socialist health care plan to the American people. The Narcissist and Chief seems to to on every channel including ESPN, Nickelodeon, SYFY, QVC, HSN and Food Channel. President Obama is acting like some third world dictator who must be on television every hour of the day. It seems like President Obama is using the same tactic as Hugo Chavez who is on television in Venezuela every day of the week sometimes eight hours in one day trying to implement his socialist policies. President Obama loves the camera and he thinks by being on television everyday he can convince the average American that Obamacare is the best way to solve the so-called Health Care Crisis in America. The President knows that he, will be helped by his state-run media who will help assist him in selling his socialist policies to the American people. If you notice President Obama is often interviewed by the same people that he, knows will not ask him tough questions on domestic or foreign policy. The cast of characters include Brian Williams, Steve Kroft, Matt Lauer, Danie Sawyer, Charlie Gibson, CNN and MSNBC. The President can almost do anything he wants when it comes to domestic policy because the liberal media state-run media is in his corner. The liberal media will not expose anything that will hurt there "Dear Leader" Presidency including the embarrassing information that caused Van Jones to resign or the Crimes committed by President Obama favorite community organization ACORN. Finally, the state-run ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC has to be exposed and embarrass by having the next protest outside there main offices so, they can cover they American outrage over the deficit, bailout and health care. The state-run media will cover a liberal protest against the Iraq war with ten people protesting when President Bush was in office to embarrass his administration and change public support for the war. The only reason the Narcissist And Chief and Obamacare is still alive is because the state-run media is attacking anyone who is against health care. The state-run media is even calling Americans "Teabaggers" who are against The Narcissist And Chief domestic policy. This is the first of many battles before we can eventually win the war when Obama is defeated in the 2012 Presidential election.


  1. I am tired of watching Obama "Lie" to the American people

  2. Wow what a popular topic, one comment in two days... you guys are destroying my party with your hate-filled name-calling agenda. Your losing your base of God fearing Christians with this clild-like reporting.

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