Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama Kills Eastern Eurpoe Missile Defense

The Obama administration intends to to cancel the missile defense system sites that had been promised these governments by the previous administration. This a complete Sellout to Russia's Evil and wicked leader Vladamir Putin who had demanded that the defense system deployment be halted as a price for improved relations. The Obama administration is appeasing a tyrant like Putin in hopes that Russia will help put pressure on Iran, had made a huge concession just a few days after Russia declared that they had no intention of supporting sanctions against Iran. The represent a a complete and utter appeasement totalitarian government. The hope is to improve relation with Putin, yet he has no desire to improve relations with the U.S. This just shows more of IBM's weakness and intention not to stand up and protect allies when needed across the world. Furthermore, Obama has just told our allies in Eastern Europe To Kiss Hiss Ass. The same allies that the word "Solidarity" is synonymous with as we stood by there side during the Cold War and supported after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The same allies who have tried to stand up to the Russians at great expense knowing that the United states would be them up. Instead, we are going to throw them under the bus and basically tell them that we value a supposed relationship with Russia more then freedom and democracy. Finally, if I were Israel I would be scared, Obama has not no intention of helping your country stand up to Iran. Obama wants to be Neville Chamberlain the sequel. at this point in history I will take Jimmy Carter. The Obama administration, is destroying alliances and appeasing thugs and dictators in 2009.

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