Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rep. Wilson Admonished, America Your Next

The United States Congress under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to admonish Rep. Wilson with a party line vote 240-179 for calling President Obama a liar during his is a Joint Session Of Congress speech to the nation on Health Care. We all know that right after the speech Rep. Wilson called the White House to apologize for his outburst. the apology was accepted by the President but it was not enough for the Left Wing Socialist and "Race Hustlers" when feel as though they can score some political points by embarrassing Rep. Wilson and Republican Party. The Democrats are not really interested in quieting the own members in Congress from speaking out against the President they are trying to quiet the average American from speaking out against President Obama socialist policies. The President, Democrats and Liberal Media are using Rep. Wilson as a example to all Americans if you speak out against the "Messiah" you will be called a Racist and Liberal Media will attack as if you were a common criminal trying to steal a car. This same Democratic led Congress who had no problem with the rules of etiquette when President Bush was in office. Finally, the are no rules in Congress for Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid, Rep. Rangel and countless other Democrats who have made derogatory statements about Republicans and Conservatives.

1 comment:

  1. These Dems are trying to silence all Americans.
