Saturday, May 16, 2009


An estimated 20,000 American protesters are expected this weekend to oppose Notre Dame's embrace of abortion militant President Obama. there were twenty-one arrested at the gates of Notre Dame today. More than 360,000 have signed a protest petition. The White House has responded opposition to President Obama appearance at the University of Norte Dame, by claiming only one group is organizing the boycott and pointing out other groups who support the commencement speech and reception of an honorary degree. I think there is only one group organizing a boycott, and as best as I can understand it, there are 23 groups that have formed to in support of the invitation, White House Press secretary Robert Gibbs said, according to ABC. The One group "Notre Dame response is a coalition of 11 pro-life groups including Norte Dame right to life, Norte Dame Law St. Thomas More Society and the Notre Dame Republicans. Gibbs say 97% of the students supported Notre Dame's invitation decision. However, ABC reported that this claim misstated an Associated Press Story which said that 95% of the seniors who wrote to the student newspaper The Observer 97% were positive. Gibbs also, cited a Pew Poll were 50% Catholics supported the invitation to President Obama while 28% oppose it. However, the poll also, reported that 45% who attend Mass weekly disapprove of the decision while 37% approved the decision. I think that the President will obviously make mention of the debate that has been had Gibbs said. I think the President is somebody who has taught at a university setting would understand that this is the type of give and take that take place on campuses all over the country. Obama support for embryonic stem cell research and abortion rights puts him at odds with Catholic teachings. His invitation has has sparked criticism of 74 Catholic bishops and protests that have led to arrests Friday including former republican Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes. President Obama will be making two stops in Indiana on Sunday. President Obama second stop is in Indianapolis where he, will attend a fundraiser at the Westin Hotel where tickets range from $250-$5,000 and benefit four out of five Democratic Congressman. finally could you imagine Planned Parenthood have the "Pope" speak at there annual convention. It will never happen and President Obama should not be allowed to speak at Notre Dame for his position on abortion.

Friday, May 15, 2009


We had a press conference by Speaker Nancy Pelosi where she accused the Bush Administration and the CIA of lying to her about using waterboarding in 2002. Pelosi had a crazy look on her face throughout her press conference as she repeated that "Bush lied about Iraq" mantra to justify her failed inaction. Pelosi said they mislead all the time she said, and when a reporter asked Speaker Pelosi whether the CIA lied she did not disagree, she also said the current Republican criticism marked a attempt by Republicans to divert attention away from the Bush Administrations actions. They misrepresented every step of the way and they don't want us to focus on them, so they try and turn the focus on us, Pelosi said. Therefore, if Pelosi was so, angry why was this not her response a week ago at her press conference about the 2002 briefing. Speaker Pelosi still wants an "Truth Commission" and Minority leader Beohner said let's put all the information on the table. There are a group of Democrats including President Obama and Majority Leader Reid who are not happy with this dangerous blame game with the CIA. Finally the Democrats are willing to go toe-toe with the CIA which will cause extreme damage our country national security to protect this clown Speaker Pelosi. The Democrats need a waterboarding exit strategy as quick as possible before all the evidence comes out against Speaker Pelosi.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sen.Schumer supported torture

There has been a legion of Democrats including my home from New York Senator Chuck Schumer are among the voices looking to round up a lynch mob for those in the Bush Administration who approved, conducted and advised the enhanced interrogation program by the CIA in 2002-2005. In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on June 8, 2004 he certainly was not among them, as the audio makes clear. Schumer scoffs at the "High Dungeon" over torture when talking to Attroney General John Ashcroft, and predicts what will actually happened when a sense of danger dissipated. Fairly, severe torture would mean something other than a procedure that causes no physical damage or doesn't risk any physical damage or serious injury. Shumer who watched 3,000 of his fellow New Yorkers get vaporized 9/11 sounds more like he is talking about pulling out fingernails or worse. The mandate by Congress got reinforced in congressional briefings on the EIT's, where people like Speaker Nancy Pelosi never objected, but some of them asked if the CIA was being tough enough on ABU ZUBAYDAH, RAMAZI BINALSHIBH, KALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED. If Accountability is to be imposed, let it be imposed across the board let's see all the relevant information not just leaks from the White House and the CIA that fit there agendas. Check out the "High Dungeon Video" and Sen. Schumer was on the Rachel Maddow Show encouraging prosecutions of Bush Administration. Officials

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The Bush Administration warned the Democratic Congress four years ago that Social Security and Medicare Trust funds were running out money, Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi Sneered at President Bush saying that they were trying to destroy Social Security. Harry Reid made a comment when the Bush administration tried to present a plan "Today the report that the so-called Social Security crisis only in one place the minds of Republicans. In reality the program is on solid ground for decades to come. The Obama administration is telling us that Social Security and Medicare is fading faster under the weight recession heading for insolvency years sooner than expected the government warned Tuesday. Social Security will start paying out more benefits than it collects in 2016 a year sooner than projected last year and the giant Trust fund depleted by 2037 four year sooner trustees reported. Medicare is in worse shape. the trustee the program for hospital expenses will payout more benefits than it collects in this year, just as it did for the first time in 2008. The trustee that the Medicare fund will be depleted by 2017, two years earlier than projected in last years report. The trust fund which exists on paper form in a filing cabinet in Pakersberg West Virginia, are bonds that are backed with the full credit and faith of the Federal government, but not any actual assets. That money has been spent on other parts of the government. Therefore, to redeem the trust fund bonds, The government would have to borrow in public debt markets or raise taxes. Treasury secretary Giethner the head of the trustee group said that the new reports were a reminder that the longer we wait to address the long-term solvency of Medicare and Social Security the sooner the challenges and the harder the options will be in the end. The President Bush warned Democrats but they did not believe him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


After all these ridiculous lies by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this could be the only way we as Americans can get to to the bottom of these enhanced interrogation techniques or waterboarding controversy. Therefore, let's just ask a one simple question What she knew and When she knew it. If it thwarts one more attack on our intellects, it will be worth it. Finally, If any asked who authorized the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on Speaker Pelosi please don't mention my code name to the Obama Administration. Check out the picture below don't you think Speaker Pelosi needs to be waterboarded.

Monday, May 11, 2009


At the White House Correspondents dinner in Washington D.C. Saturday Evening President Obama ended on a serious note pledging his underlying support for journalist and newspapers. President Obama spoke about the job losses and changes in the industry "then quoted Jefferson" If he, had the choice between government with newspapers or government without newspapers he would choose the latter. The gushing was perhaps understandable at at press function. But what was said next foretold of a newspaper bailout. President Obama told the crowd "your ultimate success is essential for our democracy before shortly saying Government without a "tough vibrant media" is not a option in the United States. The notable thing in context that Obama talked about newspapers, without other media outlets being mentioned. It would appear the President Obama holds the mainstream media and particularly newspapers above online media. It is clear when he talked about a "tough vibrant media " he is referring to the mainstream media and newspapers in particular. Finally, President Obama concludes with the line that the problems in the media industry are problems worth solving which sounds a awful like the final words that there is going to be a newspaper bailout coming soon. If you think Obama is getting good press from the mainstream media wait until he, passes out bailout money to these newspapers we, will have the modern day Pravda media. I forgot we already have a modern day Russian Pravda media supporting the "Messiah".

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Given the media fawning coverage of media President Obama first 100 days and his rock star image he projects to adoring crowds at his campaign rallies and listening tour events you would think that Conservatives stood alone to opposition the President Obama policies. But you are wrong. The Republican Party has been labeled as the party of "No" but there are signs of dissent within his own Democratic Party. Obama has a cool and moderate demeanor. But his liberal agenda is extremely ambitious. This is just fine for Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid but it is provoking a push back from Conservative Democrats who represent Conservative and moderate States. Last week the Democratic controlled Senate defeated a Obama backed Bill that would have allowed bankruptcy judges to rewrite mortgage contracts. Labeled the "Cram Down Bill" this would have allowed benefits for homeowners who got over there head in homeowner expenses and singed bad mortgages they could not afford. If the Bill new passed it raised mortgage borrowing costs. A dozen Democrats voted against the Bill, which was voted down 51-45 in the Senate. A large number of Democrats are fighting against President over "Cap And Trade" legislation. The big problem the President has is that middle America does not want "Cap And Trade" because it amounts to a big tax on energy costs and would send manufacturing jobs overseas. The liberal Scheme is very popular in the left-wing of the Democratic Party. This Cap and Trade legislation would crush the "Coal industry" and raise prices almost 50% when you pay your electric bill. The House Of Representatives rejected a Obama Administration request for 50 million dollars to relocate prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay Prison in Cuba. In January the President signed a Executive order closing GITMO within a year but they have no idea what to do with the roughly 240 terrorist subjects there. Europe does not want them and the Pentagon estimates that between 50 and 100 will end up in the United States. The polls show almost 75% of Americans oppose releasing Detainees into the United States and that could be a serious problem for the Obama Administration. Finally, don't get me wrong President Obama is in the drivers seat, and many of his initiatives will end up passing. Polls shows him as popular as ever.