Monday, May 11, 2009


At the White House Correspondents dinner in Washington D.C. Saturday Evening President Obama ended on a serious note pledging his underlying support for journalist and newspapers. President Obama spoke about the job losses and changes in the industry "then quoted Jefferson" If he, had the choice between government with newspapers or government without newspapers he would choose the latter. The gushing was perhaps understandable at at press function. But what was said next foretold of a newspaper bailout. President Obama told the crowd "your ultimate success is essential for our democracy before shortly saying Government without a "tough vibrant media" is not a option in the United States. The notable thing in context that Obama talked about newspapers, without other media outlets being mentioned. It would appear the President Obama holds the mainstream media and particularly newspapers above online media. It is clear when he talked about a "tough vibrant media " he is referring to the mainstream media and newspapers in particular. Finally, President Obama concludes with the line that the problems in the media industry are problems worth solving which sounds a awful like the final words that there is going to be a newspaper bailout coming soon. If you think Obama is getting good press from the mainstream media wait until he, passes out bailout money to these newspapers we, will have the modern day Pravda media. I forgot we already have a modern day Russian Pravda media supporting the "Messiah".

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