Friday, May 15, 2009


We had a press conference by Speaker Nancy Pelosi where she accused the Bush Administration and the CIA of lying to her about using waterboarding in 2002. Pelosi had a crazy look on her face throughout her press conference as she repeated that "Bush lied about Iraq" mantra to justify her failed inaction. Pelosi said they mislead all the time she said, and when a reporter asked Speaker Pelosi whether the CIA lied she did not disagree, she also said the current Republican criticism marked a attempt by Republicans to divert attention away from the Bush Administrations actions. They misrepresented every step of the way and they don't want us to focus on them, so they try and turn the focus on us, Pelosi said. Therefore, if Pelosi was so, angry why was this not her response a week ago at her press conference about the 2002 briefing. Speaker Pelosi still wants an "Truth Commission" and Minority leader Beohner said let's put all the information on the table. There are a group of Democrats including President Obama and Majority Leader Reid who are not happy with this dangerous blame game with the CIA. Finally the Democrats are willing to go toe-toe with the CIA which will cause extreme damage our country national security to protect this clown Speaker Pelosi. The Democrats need a waterboarding exit strategy as quick as possible before all the evidence comes out against Speaker Pelosi.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! Pelosi needs to resign or stand up and take it, 'cause the stuff is hitting the fan and it's not going to stop. Her lies have caught up with her! Thanks for your hard work & keep it up!!! :D
