Saturday, May 16, 2009


An estimated 20,000 American protesters are expected this weekend to oppose Notre Dame's embrace of abortion militant President Obama. there were twenty-one arrested at the gates of Notre Dame today. More than 360,000 have signed a protest petition. The White House has responded opposition to President Obama appearance at the University of Norte Dame, by claiming only one group is organizing the boycott and pointing out other groups who support the commencement speech and reception of an honorary degree. I think there is only one group organizing a boycott, and as best as I can understand it, there are 23 groups that have formed to in support of the invitation, White House Press secretary Robert Gibbs said, according to ABC. The One group "Notre Dame response is a coalition of 11 pro-life groups including Norte Dame right to life, Norte Dame Law St. Thomas More Society and the Notre Dame Republicans. Gibbs say 97% of the students supported Notre Dame's invitation decision. However, ABC reported that this claim misstated an Associated Press Story which said that 95% of the seniors who wrote to the student newspaper The Observer 97% were positive. Gibbs also, cited a Pew Poll were 50% Catholics supported the invitation to President Obama while 28% oppose it. However, the poll also, reported that 45% who attend Mass weekly disapprove of the decision while 37% approved the decision. I think that the President will obviously make mention of the debate that has been had Gibbs said. I think the President is somebody who has taught at a university setting would understand that this is the type of give and take that take place on campuses all over the country. Obama support for embryonic stem cell research and abortion rights puts him at odds with Catholic teachings. His invitation has has sparked criticism of 74 Catholic bishops and protests that have led to arrests Friday including former republican Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes. President Obama will be making two stops in Indiana on Sunday. President Obama second stop is in Indianapolis where he, will attend a fundraiser at the Westin Hotel where tickets range from $250-$5,000 and benefit four out of five Democratic Congressman. finally could you imagine Planned Parenthood have the "Pope" speak at there annual convention. It will never happen and President Obama should not be allowed to speak at Notre Dame for his position on abortion.

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