Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obama Throws America, Afghanistan And Israel Under The Bus

I am telling every American when the fighting in Afghanistan gets too tough this President eventually pull our troops out of Afghanistan before the 2012 Presidential Election. President Obama is willing to put our country at risk to appease the left-wing of the Democratic Party. This "Joker" told the American people during the campaign that Afghanistan was the "Good War" and a war of necessity to Defeat Islamic Terrorism Worldwide. This war was worth losing American lives over so who could secure the homeland. Well it has only been eight months and President Obama is changing his mind on the "Surge" in Afghanistan. President Obama hand picked man General McChrystal has asked for 45,000 additional American troops so, we can win the war in Afghanistan. I forgot that President Obama does not believe in the word "Victory" when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan. I watched the President Obama hold a news conference about Iran Nuclear Weapons Program with France President Nicolas Sarkozy and Great Britain Prime Minister Gordon Brown. This was another political stunt like Afghanistan during the Presidential election, because we all know when the time comes to make a tough decision on Iran this President will punt the football. The Mullahs in Iran already know that Obama will not stop them from getting a nuclear weapon because they know that he, is weak on national security. Therefore, if I was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyauh I would not trust President Obama word because he is a "Charlatan And Liar". This President can't be trusted when it comes to the national security of America, Afghanistan and Israel. This "Joker" is a Community Organizer and Chicago political hack who is not ready for prime time. I will pray for America, Afghanistan and Israel because we will need to with this "Joker" sitting in the Oval Office for three more years.

1 comment:

  1. Obama is a political animal.The only thing he,cares about is transforming America into a Socialist Eurpoean Democracy.
