Thursday, September 24, 2009

U.N. "Thugs" Kadafi, Castro And Chavez Love Obama

President Obama has one of lowest approval ratings at this stage in of his presidency and may well be lower if the state-run-media was not running interference for there "Dear Leader". The only President with a lower approval rating was President Bill Clinton and he was re-elected President and that scares the hell out me. President Obama is still worshipped like a "Messiah" like adoration at the United Nations and is considerably more popular with many of the 192 members of the United Nations than he is with the American people. President Obama popularity at the United Nations boils down to this essentially to his willingness to play down American global power. He is the first American President who has made a art of form of apologizing for the United States, which he has done on numerous occasions on foreign soil from Strasbourg to Cairo. President Obama mantra-seems to love all your enemies and hate your country. There is no surprise why "Thugs" all across the world praise President Obama when they give a speech. This is why Moammar Gadhafi, Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro love President Obama so much, because they feel that he, is also a part of the "World Hate America Club". There is no surprise that Moammar Gadhafi said, "that President Obama should be President for life because he has been in control of Libya for the past 40 years. The President Of Libya Moammar Gadhafi is good friends with Minister Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Wright who met with Gadhafi in the late 80's early 90's. The American people better get ready for three more years of Obama appeasing these thugs because, all the "Messiah" cares about is being loved by some of the most ruthless human beings on earth.

1 comment:

  1. These dictators beleive that Obama is closet Socialist and they support his efforts to fundamentally Change America in a Socialist Democracy.
