Monday, August 17, 2009

Rep. Michelle Bachmann The Future Of The Conservative Movement

She began her political career as a simply, as a Christian mom concerned about the content of school newspapers her children bought her home in there backpacks, but today she has become one of the leading defenders of liberty and Conservative principals on Capital Hill. Rep. Bachmann attended her first caucus not intending to run for office, but her fellow citizens in her Congressional district asked her to run for office and she did. Rep. Bachmann went on the beat out Minnesota longest sitting state senator in the 2000 Republican primary and defeated the her Democratic opponent in the general election. Six years later she overcame millions of dollars in Democratic campaign spending to be elected to the United States House Of Representatives. Rep. Bachmann is a tax litigation attorney before serving in elected office. Rep. Bachmann story has a compelling story similar to Gov. Palin. Rep. Bachmann is a mother of five children and a foster mom to another 23 through the years, grew concerned about her foster kids were bringing home from school. Through the Goals 2000 program, the Federal government was pushing knowledge, facts and information out of the classroom study, substituting them with a study of attitudes, values and beliefs, "she said, "but not necessarily the values that moms and dads would like. Using her background as a attorney, she investigated Goals 2000 contracts between Minnesota and the local school districts. Rep. Bachmann discovered that the federal government had effectively federalized all of our local public school classrooms, "she said. "We were losing local school authority. When asked a simple question to Rep. Bachmann about her political convictions, Bachmann responded, "Before the party, I am a Conservative first. Rep. Bachmann was a strong opponent of massive government spending that have been proposed over the last several years, even faulting fellow Republicans for the bailouts under President Bush. Rep. Bachmann voted against the bailout, and she worked feverishly with her caucus, begging, Republicans not to vote for it. That was a big mistake Republicans made on the bailout last fall. It laid the groundwork for a slide toward socialism that we have never seen. Rep. Bachmann is fighting against the complete, nationalization of health care, energy tax, government takeover of the economy- now that we have bailout nation the United States Government owns 30% of the American economy. If Obama gets his way and effectively nationalizes 18% nations wealth in health care, that will put it at 48% of our economy controlled or owned by the federal government. "That is outlandish". Americans have to melt the phone lines of the Democrats on health care bill. If the President gets his way on health care, it will be almost impossible to turn back and restore to us our freedom. Rep. Bachmann has labeled on left-wing blogs as kooky,"MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann has named her to his "World's Worst" list and, according to Bachmann House speaker Nancy Pelosi, has named Bachmann one of the top eight targets to get rid of in the next election. the hatred has grown so fierce, Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity refers, to Bachmann as the second most hated Republican woman behind Gov. Sarah Palin. Finally, Rep Bachmann is the future of the Republican Party because she is a Social and Fiscal Conservative who believes in the basic American principals of hard work and discipline.

1 comment:

  1. Bachmann is a true conservative we can count on.
