Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keeping Names,Taking Numbers "Obama Snitch List"

The Obama Administration secret e-mail list or Snitch list has not closed up shop they are keeping these names in a secret vault to retaliate against individuals Americans who are against President Obama socialist policies. The mass e-mailing list from a top Presidential Advisor Valarie Jarret and David Axelrod to President Obama has the leading Republican on the House Oversight Panel looking for answers. California Rep. Darrell Issa is asking the White House lawyer for details about a Health Care overhaul e-mail signed by Obama Adviser David Axelrod. Administration officials says the e-mail list was sent only to people who signed up for a White House e-mail list that is typically used to provide updates on the President's speeches. Issa on Monday cited reports that some people received the e-mail though they never signed up. Critics say that the White House combined it's taxpayer funded list with member roles from third party political group. I am asking a simple question who are the "third party political groups" and how did the Administration get these private Americans names. Where is the liberal socialist Obama Media to investigate these privacy matters. During the Bush years the New York Times complained that the Administration was violating Americans rights to there own privacy through the Patriot Act. If President Bush had sent out these e-mails there would be a media "Jihad" for the next three months until the media received all relevant information about the unsolicited e-mails. It seems like the only organization that will investigate the Obama administration is Fox News and Conservative bloggers. This means that this administration has free regin to intimidate individual Americans into complete silence when it comes to opposing administration policies.

1 comment:

  1. Your tax returns will be audited by this adminstration.
