Saturday, August 15, 2009

Glen Beck Conservative Boycott: Van Jones "Color Of Change" Behind Boycott

The statements made the by Glen Beck, Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh that Obama is a closet "Racist" have caused a stir in liberal media circles. The liberal media and their socialist friends have decided to boycott Glen Beck Show at 5 p.m. est. There have been several important sponsors who have switched time slots so, they would not receive the wrath of the liberal socialist groups. The Conservative media is investigating who is behind the so-called boycott and it might be one President Obama Czars organization. It appears that the Group "Color Of Change", founded by Van Jones an Obama Czar may appear to be behind the boycott. Van Jones a well-known communist who was appointed Green Jobs Czar in March is the founder of "Color Of Change". The group has applied pressure to Glen Beck's sponsors; It has has seem to be working for the time being. Progressive Insurance, Proctor and Gamble and Geico have all pull ads form Glen Beck's time slot on the Fox News Channel. A Fox News spokesman said, the ads have only been moved, stating no revenue has been lost in the Glen beck Boycott by "Color Of Change". The "Color Of Change" says that they are using it's over 600,000 members to petition Beck sponsors to pull ads. Could this have anything to do with Glen Beck releasing information several weeks ago about the group's founder Van Jones. The left wing socialist have dealt a blow to the Glen Beck Show, but how far will the Glen Beck boycott take them and Obama Administration. have employed a tactic of a counter boycott here giving information on companies who are allowing the left wing organization to bully them into dropping Glen Beck. Newsmax is reporting that Executive Director of "Color Of Change" James Rucker made it clear that there goal is to silence Glen Beck. It is Preposterous and absurd ," Rucker said of Beck's opinion. It is insulting to Black Americans; and to corrupts honest debate. Anyone who uses such a platform to spew such vitriol, whether Beck or anyone else, has no place on the air, and we at Color Of Change would use every resource available to us to remove corporate sponsors from their platform. I am a African-American Conservative and this is the typical response to anyone who question President Obama and his minions. The word "Racist" is always used when African-American liberals are losing a argument to there opponents and they eventually try and silence there critics by using this inflammatory rhetoric. Van Jones the Green Jobs Czar has been exposed by Glen Beck and the Obama administration does not like the negative publicity about having a communist-socialist in his Administration. Finally, I am telling all out spoken Conservatives that this type of blackmail will go on for the next three years until this Fascist-Socialist Administration is sent packing back to the Thug City Of Chicago.


  1. Van Jones is a communist. The american people need to read about his history in the socialist movement.

  2. And don't forget we have more czars than Imperial Russia ever had. Like they had 18 and we have 40+ with new ones being added daily it seems. Who are these czars? Who are they accountable to? They are unelected and yet they have more power than anyone covered by the Constitution. We need to stop ignoring the Constitution. The Supreme court should declare all of it un-constitutional. But with the czars, there is no accountability. By the old America of just a few months ago, this would be considered a Constitutional crisis -- but now, it's just oh, well another day in thugland.

    Keep bringing this information to your readers. We must keep an open mind on all of these changes and not be too accepting or dismissive of the wider implications. Don't be railroaded into taking any stand that compromises our rights under the Constitution, including our First Amendment Right which is freedom of speech.
