Monday, August 10, 2009

Pelosi And Hoyer I am Un-American "Kiss My Ass"

I am not surprised that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Rep. Hoyer are calling protesters of President Obama Health Care Plan Un-American. These two arrogant ass clowns believe that the average American should keep there mouth shut and sign on to Obamacare. The American people have the right to know what is in the 1,000 page Health Care Bill. There are provisions in the Health Care Bill where we have to pay for abortions on demand. This Health Care Bill gets are down right scary when it comes to "Death Panels" that will determine if you are eligible for certain type of life saving health care programs. I don't want a bunch of Harvard Educated Bureaucrats determining if I will receive life saving procedures or medications. The left-wing in America is out of control and they are drunk with power. If President Bush would have treated the Anti-War protesters the same way President Obama and Democratic Congress is treating health care protesters there would have been a "Media Jihad" against the Bush Administration. President Bush respected dissent against the Iraq war even when Anti-War activist Cindy Sheehan protested outside his Crawford, Texas Ranch. The New Obama Socialist Democratic Party in America is similar to Socialist Parties in China, Cuba and Venezuela. They don't like any kind dissent and they will attack and discredit anyone who goes against the socialist party doctrine.This type of behavior is similar to the beginning of the Third Reich when anyone who questioned Hitler was harassed and assaulted by the Brownshirts. I truly, believe if Obama, Pelosi and Hoyer had the opportunity they would arrest and imprison all the Health Care protesters in America. Finally, this is a dangerous time in America and the Democratic Socialist forces are going in for the kill. We must stand strong and fight this evil enemy.

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