Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No Mas, Astroturf Town Hall Meeting

The President has called for "Civility" after getting word the his SEIU Purpleshirts are out of control at these town hall meetings. The President public support for Health Care is continuing to decline. Currently, only 42% approve of the plan while 53% disapprove. Support for the plan has dropped eight points since the end of June. Obama is really calling for "Civility" because he, is losing the public relations battle when it come to health care debate. The President Chief Of Staff Rham Emanuel is trying to make the President look like the grown-up in this whole health care debate. Emanuel is trying to protect Obama poll ratings amongst independents which have are dropping steadily every month. This is another political ploy by the President Obama and David Axelrod who are trying to get a backlash against the Anti-Obamacare Protesters. I watched this so-called town hall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for 10 minutes and decided to go outside and cut the grass because this was another Obama Astroturf Town Hall Meetings. President Obama continues to lie to the American people about keeping your existing health care plan. Obama knows that with all the health care mandates and provisions in the bill your insurance company will eventually, cancel your plan and you will end up in the government single-payer system. The President has not explained to the American people how he, is going to pay for this health care bill. The liberal socialist media will not hold him accountable for using "Enron" type accounting system to justify changing almost 20% of our nation economy. The President needs to stop "Misrepresenting" the cost to his health care plan to the American people and his lust to have every American in a socialist style single-payer system. Don't trust this clown.

1 comment:

  1. Obama will not tell the truth until the health care bill is passed
