Saturday, August 8, 2009

SEIU Purpleshirts Are The New Brownshirts

The Third Reich Brownshirts have turned into the Obama Brigades SEIU Purpleshirts who intimidate and harass anyone who is against Obamacare. When The President Of The United States and Health Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called in the SEIU Purpleshirts to go out and confront Americans protesting against Obamacare they have given them the green light to do whatever it takes to suppress dissent in America. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called these union thugs her "brother and sisters" and asked them to show up at town hall meetings. Sebelius thanked the SEIU Purpleshirts for showing up at the Tampa Bay town hall meeting and asked them to get more involved "Keep doing what you are Doing". Dennis Rivera the point man in SEIU closed the conference call by calling the protesters "Radical Fringe", "Right Wingers"" and he urged his PurpleShirts to fight against there terrorist tactics. These same SEIU Purpleshirts Thugs went out last night and savaged a African-American man for handing out Don't Tread On Me" Flags. This is what we can expect from this Administration for the next three years intimidation and thuggery at the highest levels of Federal Government. In Denver these "Thugs" showed up to support Speaker Nancy Pelosi and they snatched signs out of the hands of protesters. This type of thuggery should be investigated by the Attorney General Eric Holder but I forgot he supports this type of behavior because, his justice department gave "The New Black Panther" a pass for intimidating voters outside a polling station in Philadelphia. The only people who will be arrested and charged with a crime are people who are against Obamacare. Finally, we are living in a dangerous time in America because I personally, believe that we are on the brink of revolution.


  1. The Obama Thugs are out of control.

  2. I was wondering when the "civilian military" would surface. Here's his campaign speech on wanting a brown shirt military.
