Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Children Props, Astroturf Town Hall Meeting

The Health Care debate has gotten completely out of control when the President Of The United States is using Children as Human props to sway Americans on Obamacare. The liberal media will not call out President Obama for this ridiculous "Set Up" question by the mother Kathleen Manning Hall and Obama Administration. This make me sick and Obama should be ashamed of himself but, I have to remember that Obama is a follower of Saul Alinsky "Rules Of Radicals" and you must do whatever is necessary to implement socialism in America. It is so easy for President Obama to lie to the American public when he made this outrageous statement during the town hall meeting "I don't want people saying I just have a bunch of plants in here". Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod and Rham Emanuel routinely place Human props in the audience so, President can answer already vetted questions by the Administration. Obama is a habitual lying machine or he, is the dumbest President ever to sit in the Oval Office. We have a President sitting in the Oval Office who does not like to be challenged by any opposition point of view. This sounds a lot Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Thanks to Michelle Malkin for her investigation on the Human Props.

1 comment:

  1. Obama is the most arrogant President in my lifetime.using children is a disgrace.
