Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taliban Video Shows Captured U.S. Solider.

The American solider who went missing on June 30 from his base in Eastern Afghanistan and was later confirmed captured, appeared on a posted video on Saturday to a web site by the Taliban. Two U. S. defense officials confirmed to the Associated Press that the man in the video is a captured solider. The video provides the first glimpse the public has had of the missing solider. The solider is shown in a 28 minutes video with his head shaved and the start of a beard. He is sitting in a and dressed in a nondescript, gray outfit. Early in the video one of his captors holds the solders dog tag up to the camera. His name and ID are clearly visible. He is shown eating at one point and sitting crossed legged. The solider who ID has not been released by the Pentagon pending notification of Congress and his family, says his name and his hometown, which is was released Saturday on a Web site pointed out by the Taliban. The solider said, the date was July 14. He said he, was captured when lagging behind on a patrol. He is interviewed in English his captors and he is asked his views on the war, which he calls extremely hard, his desire to learn more about Islam and the morale of American solders, which he said was low. Asked How he was doing, solider said in the video. Well I am scared, I won't be able to go home. It is very unnerving to be a prisoner. He begins to answer questions in a sober voice, occasionally facing the camera looking down and sometimes looking at the questionnaire on his left. He was prompted by his interrogators to give a message to the American people. To my fellow Americans who have loved ones over here, you have the power to make our government bring them home he said. Please, please bring us home so that we can be back where we belong and not over here, wasting our time and our precious lives that we could be using back in our country. Please bring us home. It is America and American people who have that power. On Saturday U.S. military officials in Kabul Col. Greg Julian, said the U.S. was doing everything we can tho return him safely. Julian and said, U. S. Troops had distributed flyer's in the area where the solider disappeared. One of them asked for information on the missing solider and offered a 25,000 reward for his return. The other said please return our solider safely or "we will hunt you" according to Julian. It seems like the Taliban is not following the Geneva Convention by showing pictures or videos of captured solders. If they will not play by the so-called rules of international warfare. Vice President Cheney was right to try and kill as many Taliban and Al- Qaedea members with CIA trained assassins. I will not show the picture of a "American Hero" who is being held captive a bunch Islamic Fascist Thugs. They will not use my blog for there terrorist propaganda purposes to destroy America.

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