Saturday, July 18, 2009

Biden The Dumbest Vice President In American History

Vice President Joe Biden told the AARP Town Hall Meeting that unless the Democratic-supported Health Care Plan the law of the nation will go bankrupt and that the only way to avoid this fate is for the government to spend more money. This is not the first disturbing statement that Vice President Biden has made in the first six months to the public and the media. Biden also, gave away the secret location of Vice President Dick Cheney bunker during the 9/11 attacks to the media. Vice President Biden also, said that Trillion Billion Dollar stimulus plan was not working without permission from the White House Staff and President Obama. Biden also, said the he would not be surprised if Israel attacked Iran within the next year. President Obama had to correct Biden foreign policy mistake by saying that he did not support a attack on Iran. Therefore, could you imagine if this was a Republican Vice President making all these mistakes in the first six months of a new Administration there would be a "Jihad" by the liberal socialist media calling for his resignation. The left-wing media would be calling the Vice President Incompetent and Dumb. Damn! I forgot the liberal socialist media did call the Bush Administration all those names and some more that I will not repeat in this blog article. Finally, let's have some fun with Crazy Joe Biden because we have three and a half years of this nutcase. I have the Top Ten Biden Gaffe's. Check out the funny ass video at the bottom of the two articles.

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