Thursday, July 23, 2009

President Obama Class Warfare And Fear Mongering On Health Care

The President used the Wednesday Night Press Conference to rally support for his ailing Health Care legislation. The President used the Press Conference to support a surtax on families making a million dollars a year but that will not be enough money to pay for the government run program. The President rejected any legislation that would make the middle class pay any extra taxes to pay for Obamacare. The President is starting to become one of the biggest fear-mongers in American history. President Obama is also, using class warfare to pass Obamacare telling middle class Americans that you will not have to pay for his health care program. If President Obama Health Care program is passed there will be unfair mandates put on the state government who already have problems funding Medicaid and Medicare. The President actually said on national Television that passing his Health Care proposal will help control the Federal deficit. The President should read CBO Director assessment of ObamaCare and the estimated cost would increases the federal deficit from one to three trillion Dollars over ten years. There are a certain group of "Clueless Americans" who believe that they will get Health Care free. President Obama will probably end up getting enough "Blue Dog Democrats" to pass ObamaCare and the American people will not know the "devil in the details" in health care bill until they get a hike in there federal taxes. Finally, So long to the "Blue Dog Democrats" because you will be the Collateral Damage for passing Obamacare.

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