Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama Drama "Racism 101"

President Obama friend Henry Louis Gates a Harvard University Professor broke the cardinal rule that most African-American Males are taught from day one when dealing with the police show ultimate respect for the badge and uniform. Sgt. James Crowley responded to a burglary call at Gates home and asked for his identification. Professor Gates refused to show his identification and accused the officer of racism. During a interview with Carl Stevens of WBZ Radio in Boston Sgt. Crowley said that Professor Gates was given ample opportunity to stop what he was doing. Professor Gates acted irrational and controlled the outcome of the event. Sgt. Crowley said Professor Gates was yelling and made nasty statements about his mother which was totally out of line for a Professor who teaches at Harvard. Professor Gates should have been grateful that a neighbor in his community was watching his home and thought that they had seen a crime in progress. Professor Gates should have went inside his home and retrieved his identification and showed it to Sgt. Crowley and the incident would have been over in less than five minutes. Professor Gates should have thanked his neighbor for calling the police because in some inner-city neighborhoods your neighbors will not call the police. This "No Snitching Code" in the inner-city has destroyed communities all across America. President Obama crossed the line by saying that the Cambridge Police Department acted Stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in there home. Sgt. Crowley said, the President was way off base by wading into a local issue without knowing the facts, as he stated before in his comments. Sgt. Crowley has to understand that President Obama use to be a "Community Organizer" and State Senator and you win favor with the African-American community by attacking the police. President Obama has to understand that he is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the United States and he should have given Sgt. Crowley the benefit of the doubt before speaking in such a reckless manner to the American people Finally, I am a African American male and "Racial Profiling" is a serious problem in America but this incident with Professor Henry Louis Gates should have never happened if he acted like he has some "DAMN SENSE".

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