Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama Meets With CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf

President Obama meets with Congressional Budget Director Douglas Elmendorf at the White House to intimidate or bully him into supporting his failed Health Care Plan. The President Of The United States rarely meets with the "Independent Director" because, there might be a serious conflict of interest when giving unbiased view of America's Federal Budget. The President invited the Director to discuss Health Care Reform and reduce Health Care Costs, said the White House spokesman Reid Cherlin. No One blames Mr. Elmendorf for accepting a invitation from the President Of The United States House Minority Member John Boehner R-Ohio said in a statement. The CBO is tasked with providing a objective nonpartisan and timely analysis to aid economic and budgetary decisions on a wide array of programs covered by the federal budget. The White House flatly rejected the idea that there was anything untoward about the invitation which took place for a hour. Elmendorf said on his blog President Obama asked him and and other outside for there views achieving costs savings in health reform. Elmedorf said it was exciting to meet the President in the Oval Office and his children will be jealous "When they get back from summer camp and hear about it. President Obama should fire his White House Budget Director Peter Orszag if he can't get proper budget numbers when it comes to Obamacare. This is a blatant form of arm twisting to gain support from the independent office. President Obama is starting to look like a "Third World Dictator" who wants to control every aspect of the Federal Government. President Obama is acting like a "Street Thug" that can't get his way so, he summons you to his back office in the alley.

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