Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rep. Maloney Used N Word "NO PROTESTS"

Rep. Carol Maloney of New York who planned to run for the New York Senate in 2010 is scrambling to apologize for using the N word. I apologize for repeating a word that I find disgusting Maloney said in statement Monday. Maloney used the racial slur while, relaying a story she heard. This reckless statement comes a week before Rep. Maloney was schedule to launch her campaign challenge against fellow Democratic Senator Kristen Gillibrand. Rep. Maloney Aides says that she is undeterred by the controversy and and will formally announce her senate candidacy next Monday or Tuesday. Rep. Maloney made the slur while, criticizing Gillibrand to City Hall, a Bi-Weekly publication and political website. I got a call from someone in Puerto Rico, Gillibrand went to Puerto Rico and came out for English only (education). And he said. "It was like saying nigger to a Puerto Rican, "She is quoted as saying, using the full racial slur. In a statement by Rev. AL Sharpton who is supporting Gillibrand lambasted Maloney, saying her use of the word is alarming. No public official, even in quoting someone else, should loosely use such a offensive term and should certainly challenge someone using the term to him or her, "Sharpton said. My problem with the Maloney controversy is that there is no outrage from the African-American Community or liberal socialist media. If this was Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky or Minority Rep. John Boehner of Ohio there would be a "Media Jihad" against the Republican Party until McConnell or Boehner resigned from office. I did not see anything on the cable news networks but a mention of the controversy on the CNN Bottom line. If a Republican would have used the N word the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Urban League, Jessie Jackson, Rev. Wright and Rev Al Sharpton would have been pounding the pavement trying remove the Conservative Representative from office. This shows the liberal media bias because the N word Statement by Democrat Rep. Maloney does not fit there templet when it comes to narrow minded racist politician. Rep. Maloney is a Upper West Side Elitist liberal politician so, she will get a pass from the liberal blogs and mainstream media.

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