Sunday, July 26, 2009

Henry Louis Gates: "It Is Not About Me At All"

Henry Louis Gates says that he will attend a meeting at the White House with Sgt. Crowley and President Obama. Professor Gates says that he is ready to move on from his arrest from Sgt Crowley, hoping to use the encounter to improve fairness in the criminal justice system and saying in the end it is "not about me at all". President Obama and Professor Gates are going to give Sgt. Crowley lesson in racism and racial profiling during this sham political meeting at the White House. I know that Professor Gates is only meeting with Sgt. Crowley to protect his Ivy League friend President Obama from negative public opinion. President Obama said that this could be a teaching moment but I know that Professor Gates will never forgive Sgt. Crowley for disrespecting him at his home. Professor Gates told Gayle King on XM/Sirius Radio Show Professor Gates said that Sgt. Crowley falsified a police report and also lied about the quote "I will speak to your mama outside". Professor Gates also, made a spectacle of the incident on the CNN Special Show Black In America where he, stirred up the crowd by saying that Sgt. Crowley illegally arrested him in his home. Finally, this whole incident would have never happened if Professor Gates would have given Sgt. Crowley the benefit of the doubt when he asked him for his identification. Sgt. Crowley was doing his job lawfully trying to protect Professor Gates home from a burglary. There are African-Americans in the inner-city neighborhoods who wish that the police department in there city responded as quickly as the Cambridge Police Department when his neighbor called the police. This is a example of what happens when President Obama is not reading his TelePrompter.

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