Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cheney And CIA Tried To Kill Bin Laden "Investigate Them"

The Democrats in the Congress are on a suicide mission trying to protect Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her statement when she said that the CIA lied to her about enhanced interrogation program. Democrats in Congress will make a major announcement by the end of the week on investigating the Bush Administration for Concealing a "Secret Program To Kill Al-Qaeda Leaders". The New York Times reported on Sunday under the direction of Vice President Cheney developed a secret program and then was directed by Vice President to conceal the program. The Democrats are extremely angry that the Bush Administration ran a program that aspired to kill Al-Qaeda with specially trained assassins. The plan to deploy assassins was authorized by the Bush Administration but never became fully operational, according to sources briefed on the matter. This could be one of the most ridiculous investigations in Congressional history. The Congress will find out the CIA did not have the capability to carry out the mission and that is the key reason why Congress was not informed about the program. Therefore, if President Bush had not signed off on a finding authorizing the CIA find and kill Bin Laden and his deputies he, should have been impeached the next day. This why the American people spend billions of dollars on secret "Black OPS Programs" to kill thugs like Bin Laden. This investigation is a witch hunt by the Democrats in Congress to get revenge on the Republicans and Bush Administration. The Democrats are starting to act like Hugo Chavez by investigating and imprisoning there political opponents for trying to defend our great nation from terrorist. There are two former CIA officials who told CNN that Vice President Cheney is getting a "Bum Rap" that he told the CIA to withhold information about secret counterterrorism program. The Democrats are angry because Bush Administration tried to kill Bin Laden by any means necessary. The Democrats are acting like the Bush Administration was trying to assassinate some third world dictator. The Democrats act like they don't want to kill Bin Laden. This investigation is 'Bullcrap" and the American people should hold the Democratic Congress responsible for this witchunt. The Democrats will destroy the CIA and make this country less safe to protect speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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