Monday, July 27, 2009

Henry Louis Gates Racist Rants

I am still schocked to this day that Barack Obama became President Of The United States with his questionable background of friends. President Obama friends consist of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Meeks. Minister Louis Farrkahn, Bill Ayers, Rev. Michael Pflagher, Professor Henry Louis Gates and these are just a few of his radical friends and allies. Being a member of the African-American Community I have seen some of President Obama friends in person at some local colleges give some of most radical speeches in Modern Day America. These are the men along with Harvard and Columbia University who help mold President Obama mind and negative outlook on America. This is why you always see President Obama apologizing for America because these men are part of the "Hate America First Movement". There are hundreds of videos out there were President Obama friends are saying they hate America's institution and White Americans. Therefore, when President Obama answered the controversial question Wednesday Night at the News Conference about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates he forgot that he was not on the South Side of Chicago where his answer would have gotten a hundred percent support from the people. This also, shows how much the liberal socialist media covered up for President Obama during the Presidential campaign so, he could be elected President. There is no way Sen. McCain would have never won the Republican nomination if he had friends like President Obama. I could see "60 Minutes" spending a whole hour on Sen. McCain questionable friends destroying his chance to become President. The liberal were willing to over look President Obama questionable friends because it was more important that he implement there socialist agenda that they have been waiting for the last fifty years. Check out the video.

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