Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama Called A "Racist" By Israeli Jews

President Obama policies against Jewish construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem were called racist by the protesters in a rally drawing about 2,000 Israelis in front of the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem. Go Home Yelled the protesters in front of the U.S. government building. Sen. George Mitchell, Obama envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is here discussing the American Administration call to the halt of settlements activity, including natural growth or accommodating the needs of existing Jewish populations in the areas of question. Obama should not be pressing Israel to compromise and freeze the building in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem, protest organizer Yaacov Steinberg told WorldNet Daily. All the steps in the past has bought more Palestinian terror and showed Israeli weakness, Said Steinberg, Director Of The coalition Of West Bank Jewish Organizations. Speaking at the rally Rabbi Eliezer Waldman who heads the prestigious "Nir" Torah seminary in the West Bank City Kiryat Arba called Obama a racist. How dare he tell the Jews where they can live! the era where Jews were banned from living in different places has ended," Waldman exclaimed. Obama beware. this insolence will bring down the downfall of American leadership. Anyone who dares give a order to prevent Israeli life in Jerusalem or anywhere else in the land of Israel is destined to fall! he said. Pinchas Wallerstein Director of the Yesha council of Jewish communities in the West Bank told the crowds, this week American pressure reached a new highs that are a shame to Democratic societies. Wallerstein was referring to a the summoning of the Israeli ambassador to Washington last week by the State Department to demand a Jewish construction project in eastern Jerusalem be immediately halted. It is Obviously, and outrageously racist policy, "Mort Klein president of the Zionist Organizations Of America told WND. Especially, in light on how Obama should be sensitive when it comes to anything that would remotely constitute discrimination of people based on ethnicity or religion. I am not surprised at President Obama Anti-Israel policy because his mentor Rev. Wright is one of the biggest Anti-Semitic religious leaders in America. America you voted for change and you will have to live with the consequences.

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