Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama Loves The Ladies

President Obama could not control himself when he saw the "Hot Young Brazilian Delegate Ms. Mayara Tavares". This lovely young Brazilian delegate caught the eye of the "Messiah" while, talking to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France about stimulatimg the world economy. The left-wing socialist media was trying to cover-up for President Obama peering eyes. The so-called footage from ABC News better Known as the All Barack Channel seems to show President Obama was actually turning to help the American J8 delegate Emanuellua Louidsor 17, down the steps of the of the dais. President Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy had a good look at this "Masterpiece Created By God" and if you asked President Sarkozy what he was watching you would probably tell you the truth. Finally, President Obama should not be ashamed that he was taking a quick look at a "Young Philly" like Ms. Tavares. I rather have him looking at beautiful young lady than taking advantage of a willing intern in the Oval Office. My problem with the "Messiah" is that he, bankrupting our country because of his socialist policies.

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