Friday, July 17, 2009

Black Chamber Of Commerce CEO Slams Sen. Boxer As Racist

Sen. Barbara Boxer got slammed to by the leader of the Black Chamber Of Commerce. Sen. Boxer talked to Harry C. Alford in a condescending way after lecturing him on the Climate Change Bill which narrowly passed the House Of Representatives. Mr. Alford argued that the Climate Change Bill would have a devastating effect on African-American Businesses in America. Mr. Alford took offense to Sen. Boxer countering his statement about Climate Change Bill by quoting a resolution by the NAACP that approved of the House sponsored Bill. Sen. Boxer used National Black Organizations like 100 Black Men Of Atlanta and NAACP to counter his explosive argument. Mr. Alford protested that Sen. Boxer was condescending to him. Sen. Boxer claimed that if Grant was there, he would be proud that she was quoting him. "He should have been invited". Alford said, "All that is condescending and I don't like it. It's Racial. I don't like it. I take offense to it. As A African-American and a veteran to this country, I take offense to it. When Sen. Boxer asked if he was offended that she quoted Grant Alford said, You are quoting some other black man. Why don't you quote a Asian. You are being racial here. I think that you are getting to a path here that is going to explode. This is the second time in the month that Sen. Boxer has shown her condescending attitude when she told a United States General to refer to her as "Senator" I earned it. Finally, go down to the bottom of the article and watch the explosive video.

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