Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ABC News And Pravda Media

We all know that the media is in the tank for President Obama but when I watched the news conference and he, called on a blogger from the Huffington Post Nico Pitney and virtually help him ask planned question about Iranian dissdents talking through the social media networks. This more proof that the Pravda Socialist Media America will do anything to support the "Messiah" policies whether foreign or domestic. We all know that NBC is in tank for Obama because, General Electric Chairman Jefferey Emmelt has decided to put all of GE Cards into the Obama Presidency. The Chairman of GE Jefferey Emmelt is banking on President Obama Green and Health Care initiatives that could make GE Trillions of Dollars in the future profits if the legislation is signed by the President. There parent news company MSNBC is President Obama Press Office for all of his policies. Therefore, ABC has deiced to jump on the President Obama Media bandwagon by giving the administration a two hour infomerical about his Health Care Plan. This type of coordinated effort by the White House and ABC News on Health Care is unacceptable because the media is suppose to be a watchdog not a cheerleader for the Obama administration policies. The executives at ABC News are saying that they are not in the tank for the Obama Administration but, will they give Republicans and doctors who disagree with the President Health Care Plan a two hour infomercial. The media outlets that are on President Obama bandwagon will not ask him any serious questions about his policy failures but there are several bright lights in the white house media. The questions asked by Jake Tappper and Major Garret drew some fire from President Obama because he, is not use to answering tough questions from the fawning media. President Obama would have a nervous breakdown if he, had to answer the tough questions President Bush had to answer for eight years. Finally, the Media has to stop these coordinated question and answer sessions with President Obama. This is why all the ABC, NBC and CBS ratings are at a all-time low because the average American knows that the media is in the tank for President Obama.

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