Friday, March 27, 2009


The Republicans presented there version of the 2010 budget that President Obama was crying about during his press conference. The Republicans presented a budget with very little facts, details and no road map to balancing the nations budget. The Republican Party wanted to counter the President with a budget but don't write a piece of crap that seems like you did in the last three days. This budget is short on numbers and facts. The American people don't want a political budget so, you can score political points against President Obama. We want a fiscal Conservative long-term budget that will make our country solvent in the next 15 years. This budget was made to make a political points and create friction between the President and Blue Dog Democrats. The Republican Party in Congress need a game changer by offering the American people a real alternative to the Obama economic policies. The Republican Party need to sit down and think about three issues and concentrate on selling these issues to the American people. The issue are the economy, budget and defense. The only way the Republicans can stop the well-oiled Obama machine is that they must have a clear message on these vital issues. The Obama machine will attack any proposal by the Republicans. The President Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took aim at the Republicans budget because it did not have enough numbers and facts. The only way Republicans can be successful by starting another grassroots campaign that will help there issues be heard by Congress and the rest of so-called moderate America. They should use the same playbook that former Speaker Newt Gingrich used to recapture the Congress in 1994. Speaker Gingrich used the Contract with America which pointed out the vital issues that affected Americans in there everyday lives. This strategy used against the Clinton Administration was on point and the Republicans had unified message that they could take to the American people. Minority Leader Boehner needs to take a lesson from former Speaker Gingrich and get a unifying message instead of putting a worthless budget together that will be shredded by the Obama Machine.

1 comment:

  1. Republicans say they are for fiscal restraint. Yet during Republican president Bush's 8 years in office the Republicans took a budget surplus and ran it into a trillion plus dollar debt.
    And the same Republicans who are criticizing Obama for big spending were the same guys who voted to give President Bush ever dime that he requested.
    where were these so called "fiscal conservatives" everytime the president requested more money for the war in Iraq??
    Why, they were casting a YES vote for every wasted dime
