Saturday, March 28, 2009


The Left-Wing in Democratic Party spent the last eight years calling President Bush the next Hitler. The Liberal blogs hoped that President Bush would fail so, a Democrat would become President Of The United States. The shoe in the other foot there are Conservatives and Republicans invoking Hitler when it comes to some President Obama socialist policies. The left-wing liberal can't understand why anyone would call the "Messiah" Hitler because he, is a Democrat and the left-wing media loves President Obama. The National Service "Give Act" invokes some of the themes of Hitler's Brownshirts where young Americans have mandatory volunteer Service for the Obama Administration. The young volunteers will be the eyes, ears and boots on the ground for the Obama Machine. If President Bush tried to pass a mandatory volunteer Give Act the left-wing media and blogs would have started a "Jihad" against the Bush Administration. This is a example of the hate that the left-wing "Spewed" in America and how the called President Bush "Bush-Hitler". Finally, how long will the left-wing media protect President Obama incompetent Administration.

1 comment:

  1. How long? As long as it takes to completely transform the nation we love into wasteland.
