Thursday, March 26, 2009


The Congress started debating National Service Act which was co-sponsored by Sen. Orin Hatch and Sen. Ted Kennedy. The National Service Act will cost the American people a estimated 6 Billion in funded mandates. This National Service Act is a extension of Americorp but it seems to me to be more sinister. This is the beginning of a Civilian National Security Force that President Obama talked about during his campaign. This is the beginning of the Obama "Brownshirts" that will help his Administration stay in power. The problem I have with this bill is why do we need 6 billion dollars to ask the young Americans to volunteer. This Welfare Act is just another give back program to Obama left-wing supporters. This program will have billions of dollars that will be funneled to organizations like Acorn. There is no way any Republican should support the Welfare Act because you are basically paying Obama campaign workers for free. This is just another Washington program that sounds good to the American people but it is another waste of hard earned taxpayer dollars for a political agenda. Call Congress and Stop The SERVICE ACT

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