Monday, March 23, 2009


President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner unveiled there Trillion Dollar Plan to buy banks toxic assets so, they could clear the balance sheets of American banks. This is the second Trillion Dollar Plan in two weeks because the Federal Reserve Charmian Ben Bernake spent a Trillion Dollars on Banks so, the can loosen up credit for individuals and corporations. The President spent 800 Billion dollars on his stimulus Plan and he, also presented Congress with his new Federal Budget for the year 2010 at a estimated cost of 3.6 Trillion Dollars. The President and Treasury Secretary Geithner is expected in the near future to come back to Congress for another Trillion Dollars for more bailouts. It is estimated that this whole bailout fiasco has cost the American Taxpayer between 10-15 Trillion Dollars. The Congressional Budget Office run by Democrats has done a audit of President Obama Stimulus Plan and Budget. The CBO has said if President Obama and the Democratic Congress continue this outrageous spending the United States Government will go bankrupt. The CBO audit says that President Obama will budget plan will put America in a position where they could never payback all our debts. The Budget President Obama presented to Congress could cost our children 10- 20 trillion dollars added on to our federal deficit. The Obama Administration refuse to listen to the CBO and they are saying that this budget is the right prescription for this ailing economy. Therefore, are critics in the Democratic Party, Republican Party and worldwide of the spending of the Obama Administration. The head of the World bank this weekend said that these large stimulus plans and budgets by America and European Countries were not needed because they expose these countries to large deficits that they can not payback. The United States has to hope that China, Japan and Saudi Arabia keep financing our outrageous spending, because if they don't you will see the American dollar crash and will see our great country go bankrupt like the former Germany in the 1920's. Finally, last week the Chinese Government gave America a lecture on there outrageous spending and their deficits. The Chinese Government said that the United States needed to start spending there money more wisely. Who would have thought 25 years ago that the Chinese would be giving America a lecture on how to spend money. This has truly shown how far America has fallen in the eyes of the world

1 comment:

  1. Found your site via AlphaInventions. Great blog!
