Sunday, March 22, 2009


President Obama and the Democratic Congress has ginned up so, much hate toward the rich in America it has gotten completely out of control. The President and his minions are using this economic crisis to gain complete power in America. The President suppose to try and unite this country during this economic crisis but his political advisers believe that it is to his advantage that he divides America between the rich and everybody else. This President has phony outrage after his own Treasury Secretary took a provision out of the stimulus pork bill that would have denied AIG employees there bonuses. This President and the Democratic Congress in using this outrage to raise taxes on Americans who make over $250,000 a year. This phony bill the Congress passed to tax AIG employees 90% of there bonuses is just the beginning salvo in the Obama war against rich in America. The President said that he, was against excessive taxes on the rich but with the looming deficit the President will use this scandal to raise Americans taxes that make over $250,000 to 50% of there income. This President is talking about channeling the American anger to help solve Americans economic crisis, but the President using this crisis to pass his socialist policies that will bankrupt this country. The President has ginned up so, much hate towards AIG employees that we have Socialist Organizations going out to AIG executives homes and protesting against there bonuses. The employees of AIG are scared to go to work because they are being attacked in the parking lot by the Obama Hate Machine. The President believes in these tactics because he, was a member of one of the biggest socialist hate organizations in America ACORN. The President enjoys putting fear in the rich in America so, they will not stand up and fight against excessive tax policies that are coming down the road in the near future. The President loves this type of anger because he feels that the American people will not depend on capitalism they will start to depending on the federal government for there economic policies. The President is using the same tactics and Hugo Chavez is using in Venezuela to control the country. Hugo Chavez attacked the rich and divided the country between two classes of people rich and everybody else. This is classic socialism and President Obama is a student of these socialist policies and he is using these policies in America. Finally, there will be a second revolution in America because I cannot see the average American putting up with these policies for the next four years. REVOLUTION IS COMING SOON!

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