Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The Obama Administration has only been in office for two months and the left-wing of the Democratic Party is having buyers remorse. The left-wing media seems to the first sign that they are losing confidence in President Obama . There were several well known liberal columnist in the New York Times blasting President Obama policies. The columnist Paul Krugman. Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd questioned President Obama competence while in office. The columnist Paul Krugman questioned President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner economic plan calling it the Same plan as President Bush and Secretary Paulson that funneled trillions of dollars to Wall Street Firms without any strings attached. The columnist Frank Rich criticized President Obama for saying that Timothy Geithner is doing a outstanding job he said, it sounds similar to President Bush who said that FEMA Secretary Micheal Brown was doing a excellent job during Hurricane Katrina while people were dying in the streets. The Columnist Maureen Dowd Criticized President Obama for his lack of professionalism while, in the White House saying that maybe we should have elected Michelle Obama as President. This President has shown how out of touch with reality he, really is when Steve Kroft was asking serious questions about the economy President Obama kept laughing. Steve Kroft actually asked the President Of The United States if he was punch drunk. The Democratic Party should not be surprised because conservatives told them in the General Election that President Obama was not ready for Prime-Time. President Obama has no administrative skills because, he has never run anything but his teleprompter in his whole life. The President has never run a popcorn stand so, the American people should not be surprised that he, is making so many crucial mistakes. The liberal socialist movement has put all there faith in the "Messiah" and they are scarred that President obama is the next President Carter.

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