Monday, March 30, 2009


President Obama and his Administration has been in full campaign mode trying to sell his socialist agenda. The President has been on every major news talk show and ESPN trying to keep his popularity high in the polls. The President is using President Reagen as a example and bypassing the major media and going straight to the American people to sell his agenda. This strategy can help President Obama stay popular with the American people because he, is establishing a connection with everyday Americans. The President also, has a downside to this media strategy is that he might over expose his Administration to the American people. The President had a town hall meeting is which average Americans would have a chance to ask President Obama questions about the economy. The problem with Townhall meeting is that the questionnaires where former Obama campaign workers and supporters. The Washington Post did a great article on the"Phony" Townhall meeting set up by the Obama Administration to show the American people that President Obama is basically running a Hollywood Production Show. This set up Townhall meeting should be commended widely by the left-wing media because, this shows a level of deception that the Obama administration is willing to go to to keep his popularity high. The President knows that his socialist policies in polls are very unpopular with most Americans. The President 3.6 Trillion dollar budget is very unpopular with members in his own Democratic Party. The President is taking heat from governments overseas who think that his wild spending spree will help destroy the world economy. Finally, the President has no choice but to go back to campaign mode because, if your policies are not popular you must make sure that you are popular or his Administration will be doomed in the first year. THIS IS THE CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELIEVE IN.

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