Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The President and his minions in the White House are trying to tell Americans to look at the big picture. The President is also asking the American people to be patient when it comes to the economy.The President said tonight that there are signs that the economy is turning around because of the new existing home sales went up 5.1% last month. The President said the his strategy is to create jobs, to help responsible homeowners and to start lending and start growing the economy over the long term. The biggest problem the President has is his 2010 Federal budget which is 3.6 trillion dollars. The Congressional Budget Office has said that this budget will increase our federal deficit to 10-15 trillion dollars. The President is optimistic about the future and that the economy will make a strong rebound, but the numbers just don't add up to the President cutting the deficit in half to 533 billion dollars by 2013. President Obama believes that his federal budget is a prescription for the economy but there is a revolt in the Democratic Party by the Blue Dog Democrats. The Blue Dog Democrats and Republicans feel that the President Budget is out of touch with reality which was expressed by the CBO who said we could see deficits that our children could never payback. The best comment was made by Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire who said that President Obama budget was similar to a "Banana Republic Country". Therefore, how long will it take before the American people find out that this Clown does not know what the hell he is doing when it comes to the economy. The President feels that if we have a recovery and the expired Bush Tax cuts will bring in more revenue the federal government. It is estimated in 2011 that the expired Bush tax cuts will bring in 350 billion dollars in 2011 and in 2012 the taxes will bring in a estimated 430 billion dollars. This economic fantasy that President Obama has presented to the American people is like betting your whole check on the lottery and hoping that you will win 10 million dollars. This budget could send America into bankruptcy and President Obama and his minions knows consequences to his wild outrageous spending. This President is hell bent on socializing America and could careless about the capitalist system that help build this great nation. THIS IS THE CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELIEVE IN.

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