Tuesday, January 13, 2009


President Bush over the past eight years has done more for Africa than any modern day world leader. The critics of President Bush say that people have a bad world view of America but, go ask the people of Africa how they feel about President Bush because he helped saved millions of lives with his "War On AIDS". There are Stars like Bono and Bob Geldof who say that President Bush deserves credit for committing Billions of Dollars to Aids programs. When he, visited Africa in his "Five Nation Tour" thousands of Africans lined the streets to cheered him and smothering him affection. The outpouring and warmth by the Tanzania people that you have witnessed since, your arrival is a genuine reflection what we feel towards you and the American people. There's a good reason for the people of Tanzania to show there affection said the President of Tanzania Jakayla Kikwete, because of a little known initiative "Hundreds of thousands mothers and Children" lives have been saved from HIV Aids and Malaria in Africa. The President disease prevention program and his partnership with governments to move forward towards democracy and to end corruption on the African continent has been one of President Bush's biggest successes. The President's Anti-Aids program have made real inroads in what remains Africa's biggest crisis. The Democratic Congress refused to President Bush's call to renew the program early this year. The President requested that greater access to drugs and the use of condoms. It also, seeks to educate Africans on the need for more marriage infidelity and for sexual abstinence before marriage. Finally since, President Bush took office he has spent 18 million dollars on AIDS prevention and he, wanted to expand the program to 30 billion for the next five years. The Democratic controlled Congress refused to renew the program.

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