Monday, January 12, 2009


Carol A. Browner, President-Elect Obama pick as Global Climate Czar, was listed a one of the 14 leaders of a socialist group Commission For A Sustainable World Society , which calls for global governance and which says the rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change. By the end of Thursday Mrs. Browner name and biography was removed from the Socialist International website. The photo of Mrs.Browner speaking to the socialist organization in Greece is still available on the website. The Socialist International is a umbrella group that incorporates all worldwide groups that are socialist. The mission of the group is to reduce consumption and to commit binding and punitive limits to on greenhouse gas emissions. President-Elect Obama said that climate change would be a priority in his administration. The Obama transition team said that her membership in this socialist organization would not be problem because she brings experience to as a lawmaker to her new role. Her name has also, been removed from Al Gore Alliance For Climate Protection and the Audbon Society because of there controversial stance on global change. Finally, Carol A. Browner was the head of the EPA under the Clinton Administration and she had some controversial policies when she headed the Department. I thought that this Administration was about change but all I see is the Third Clinton Term.

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