Wednesday, January 14, 2009


There are demonstrators are already against President-Elect Obama and his picture is being run over by cars during a demonstration in support of the people in Gaza in front of the Swiss embassy in Tehran, Iran. The people of the Middle East who hate America do not care if the President is George Bush or Barack Obama because, they will always hate the President Of The United States. Therefore, as long as you support the right for Israel to exist as a country you will be the enemy of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. The people on the far left in America who think the President Obama can change the feelings of Islamic terrorist is wrong because, how can anyone change the mind of a people who believe in the destruction of a whole nation state. The terrorist we are dealing with today cannot be negotiated with with peace treaties or soaring speeches by President Obama. President Obama will have to have a firm hand when dealing with these organizations and show no mercy when they get out of line with there terrorist activities. The only way the Islamic terrorist will support President Obama is if he, forces Israel to sign a peace treaty the gives most of the land back before the 1967 War to the Palestine's and give them complete access to Jerusalem. President Obama can sign a historic peace deal but, it will only be peace for a few years because, the true goal of these terrorist is to capture all of the Holy Land a drive Israel into the sea. Finally, the far left has a sick dream that only if we are nice to these terrorist that they will leave us "Ugly Americans" alone. The far left has to understand that these Islamic terrorist have a Jihad against the whole Western World and there ideas. Therefore, there is a group of Islamic extremist who believe that the whole world should be under Islamic Law and they will not stop until there mission is completed. Good luck to President Obama because, you will need it when you are dealing with a bunch of clowns.

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