Thursday, January 22, 2009


White House Counsel Greg Graig told Democrats and Republicans late Wednesday to expect executive orders on Guantanamo Bay. The Washington Post siting Sources familiar with briefings. The orders involve altering detention and interrogation rules limiting interrogation standards in all us facilities worldwide to those outlined in the Army Field Manual, and prohibiting agency from secretly holding terrorist detainees in third country terrorist. The revised version of the Army Field Manual was released in 2006 explicitly banning controversial techniques such as beating, using dogs, to intimidate them, electric shock and waterboarding which critics say is torture. New York Times said the orders would bring to a end a Central Intelligence Agency program that kept terrorism suspects in secret custody for years and months. The serious question is what will happen to the 245 prisoners that are still in prison. This is showing are enemies all around the world that new Obama Administration is soft on terror. The Obama Administration will also review all 245 cases of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay prison. There will be suspension of all Judaical proceedings and the military commissions system. Finally, The Obama Administration is ready to use there political capital on protecting the rights of these punk ass terrorist.

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