Sunday, December 21, 2008


President-Elect Obama will be presenting a Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package in the next few weeks. This package will consist of money for large infrastructure projects in America. This stimulus package is estimated by the Obama administration to create three million jobs for laid off workers in America. This is a big gamble for the Obama Administration because large infrastructure project are ripe with over projections in costs and theft by organized crime. The Obama Administration seems to be copying the New Deal programs of the 1930's but they have to understand that the government programs did not bring us out of the depression it was the beginning of World War Two that help end the Depression in America. I personally believe that the Obama administration should invest in small businesses all across American because they create about 80% of the jobs in this nation. The Obama Administration should create a program called "America First" in which the government will only spend money with businesses that manufacture products in America with American workers. The government has to stop giving contracts to companies that sub-contract there work to overseas manufacturing facilities in China. This would stimulate the re-birth of new Manufacturing facilities in America if the United States Government verify that all products are made in America. The Obama administration has to think outside of the box and not just cling to the old left wing programs that they believe have succeed in the past. The main part of the package should consist of lowering corporate taxes and small businesses taxes. The corporate taxes in America are the second highest in the world. If you look at the corporate taxes in Southeast Asia you will find that they are the lowest in the world and they are our biggest competitors. Finally, I know that the Obama Administration will not lower corporate taxes because he is a left-wing liberal but he, has to understand that we are in a depression and it would be the best thing for a failing economy.

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