Thursday, December 18, 2008


The way things are going in America today we may need a new American Revolution. The way are Federal government is run by the President and the Congress is unacceptable to most Americans. This Federal Government is bailing out some of the most "Notorious" Wall Street Firms in the history of American. These bailouts that the Federal Government is giving out to these Wall Street Firms without any consequences for there actions in destroying the American economy. There have been no arrests at Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and many other Wall Street Firms that have misused stockholders and investors money. The Federal Government has no control over there wild spending spree over the last six months and they are destroying are children's future. I wake up every mourning and hear that our new President-Elect Obama is going to spend a Trillion Dollars on a stimulus package similar to the New Deal. This could be a disaster because, anyone who knows history knows that the New Deal did not get us out of the Depression it was World War Two. I have a Governor in New York State who believes that you should tax everything that is humanly feasible for example this clown wants to tax you for buying shoes, soda, and any thing "Clown Ass" thing you can think of in your mind. This is unacceptable because, the average American is getting shafted from every angle they are losing there jobs and getting higher tax bills. The Federal and State Governments have to shrink there budgets to fit the harsh times that we are living in today. The Federal Government should not be a ATM Machine for every problem that a Bank or a Wall Street firm is having because of bad management. These firms should be allowed to fail just like any other small business in America. This Bailout money should be going to Small businesses because, they create most of the jobs in America today. Finally, if the Federal and State Governments don't get there act together there will be another American revolution and you will not see Americans with pitchforks they will have guns and they will truly want change.

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