Friday, December 19, 2008


The Caroline Kennedy State Tour makes me sick. The tour was basically, a coronation by the Democratic Party Elite so, that she will receive the appointment by Gov. David Patterson as soon as Sen. Clinton is confirmed as Secretary Of State. The only way she will not receive the appointment is if Gov. Patterson gives it to Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Gov. Patterson may give the vacant seat left by Sen. Clinton to Attorney General Cuomo because, Cuomo may run for Governor in 2010. This would eliminate Gov. Patterson biggest competition to retain the seat vacated by The former embattled Gov. Elliot Spritzer. Caroline Kennedy visited Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo and listened to all the upstate Mayors concerns about the economy. This is the first time she ever visited the City of Buffalo. Therefore, how in the hell can you listen to a Mayor for a hour and learn about the issues and difficulties of Western New York if you have never campaigners in this area. This is the favorite part of her listening tour she, met with the "King Maker" the Rev. Al Sharpton who gave his blessing at Sylvia's Restaurant in Harlem. This made me even more sick watching this clown act while we, are going through a mini-depression. This women is not qualified for the position of Senator of the State Of New York and everyone reading this article knows that I am telling the truth. The only reason why she is receiving this consideration is because, Caroline Kennedy won the biggest lottery in the world the lucky gene lottery. Caroline just happened the to be Daughter of President Kennedy so, she deserves the job because, some "Dumb Ass Americans" in the Elite West Side Of Manhattan believes that she is part of American Royalty. The media would not have accepted this from a Average American like Gov. Palin who started from the bottom like all Americans and they called her unqualified to be Vice President even though she was a Governor of Alaska. The Liberal Left Wing Media has not attacked Caroline Kennedy qualifications because, she is part of the socialist elite in America. Finally, if she is appointed Senator this is just another nail in the coffin of a dying country. I totally believe that there will be a new American Revolution and the American people will not show any sympathy for the Liberal elite in America who hate everything that made American great.